Vintage Ivory Primitive Bear
$325.00 -
Vintage Ivory Standing Bear
$350.00 -
Vintage Ivory Goose
$190.00 -
Vintage Ivory Puffin
$210.00 -
Vintage Ivory Tall Bird
$190.00 -
Charles Kokuluk Pintail Duck
$275.00 -
Al Mayac Ivory Bufflehead Duck
$275.00 -
Fred Mayac Ivory Loon
$275.00 -
Vintage Ivory Bear Family
$320.00 -
Vintage Ivory Puffin
$240.00 -
Whale Bone Drummer
$1,200.00 -
Vintage Ivory Scrimshaw Goose
$125.00 -
Vintage Owl on Bone Nest
$325.00 -
Charles Kokuluk Longtail Duck
$275.00 -
Fred Mayac Common Loon Carving
$275.00 -
Charles Kokuluk Sandhill Crane
$450.00 -
Antique Eskimo Ivory Seal Toggle
$160.00 -
Punuk Eskimo Ivory Doll Torso
$250.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Artifact
$125.00 -
Vintage Russian Dog Sled Team
$350.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Fish Fork
$120.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Seal Hunter
$190.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Seal
$125.00 -
Ivory Bowhead Whale
$525.00 -
Six Ivory Seal Heads
$260.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Seals
$425.00 -
Antique Alaskan Eskimo Snuff Box
$575.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Swan
$245.00 -
Warren Kakoona Spotted Seal
$595.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Ptarmigan
$240.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Walrus
$350.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Ivory Bear/seal
$325.00 -
Paul Jackson Bowhead Whale
$250.00 -
Bert Oozevaseuk Bowhead Whale
$295.00 -
Clement Ungott Bowhead Whale
$450.00 -
Vintage Eskimo Goose
$250.00 -
Donald Ungott Vintage Owl
$295.00 -
Daniel Iyakitan Vintage Goose
$525.00 -
Vintage ivory bear
$450.00 -
Vintage bone bear
$250.00 -
Scrimshaw bowhead whale
$350.00 -
Walrus tusk with scrimshaw
$1,400.00 -
Vintage seal with eyelashes
$245.00 -
Vintage goose
$225.00 -
Vintage beluga whale
$325.00 -
Woman with baby
$550.00 -
Walrus tusk with scrimshaw
$950.00 -
Ivory drummer transformation
$1,100.00 -
Miniature Ivory Snow Goggles
$300.00 -
Ivory Sedna Carving