Home & Away Gallery’s No-Hassle Return Policy
It is our wish to establish a long-term relationship with each of our customers. Above all, we want you to be happy with your purchases. With this in mind, we offer a fourteen day money-back guarantee, based entirely on your satisfaction (provided the item is returned in the same condition it was received). We will promptly refund the full purchase price, including our shipping cost and applicable taxes. You will be responsible only for the cost of shipping the item back to us.
Please let us know before you return an item, so that we will watch for it and make arrangements for delivery if we are traveling. Make sure the package is insured for the full value of the purchase. If you are not comfortable re-packing an item, please consider using a professional packing service.
If you wish to return a gift you were given, we are glad to offer you full credit toward a current or future purchase. If you have any questions about this, please contact us at 207 423-8473.
Home & Away’s Shipping Policy
We do our best to ship all orders within three business days of receipt, unless otherwise requested by the customer. We will try our best to have items delivered within ten business days of receipt; most orders will be received well before ten business days. Please call 207 423-8473 should you have any questions.
We can sometimes ship orders the same day as received. Please let us know if you would like this to happen, and we will let you know if it is feasible. The best way to communicate this request is by calling 207 423-8473.
Our online shopping cart offers the option to ship by USPS of Fedex. We are able to use UPS also; please call 207 423-8473 to discuss.
On occasion, the shipping charges calculated by the shopping cart are materially higher than the actual cost. In these cases, we will contact you about refunding the difference. We do not increase shipping charges automatically. In the rare event where actual shipping costs greatly exceed the costs calculated by the shopping cart, we will contact you to discuss options. Note: as of May 30, 2019, we have never had to do this.