Passamaquoddy Clara Keezer Handkerchief Basket Wabanaki Baskets


Passamaquoddy Clara Keezer Handkerchief Basket Wabanaki Baskets

Out of an extensive basket collection comes this masterful black ash and sweetgrass basket made in 2006 by NEA National Heritage Fellow Clara Keezer. Keezer was one of the long-time Wabanaki who kept the art of basket making alive, making it possible for the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance to create an apprenticeship program for younger weaver.

Handkerchief baskets were popular in the late 1800s in resort areas of Maine such as Bar Harbor and Kennebunkport. They were an example of baskets created for the tourist trade, which flourihed in these areas during the second half of the 19th century and into the first quarter of the 20th century.

8 inches 8 inches x 3 1/4 inches high.

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Passamaquoddy Clara Keezer Handkerchief Basket Wabanaki Baskets

Out of an extensive basket collection comes this masterful black ash and sweetgrass basket made in 2006 by NEA National Heritage Fellow Clara Keezer. Keezer was one of the long-time Wabanaki who kept the art of basket making alive, making it possible for the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance to create an apprenticeship program for younger weaver.

Handkerchief baskets were popular in the late 1800s in resort areas of Maine such as Bar Harbor and Kennebunkport. They were an example of baskets created for the tourist trade, which flourihed in these areas during the second half of the 19th century and into the first quarter of the 20th century.

8 inches 8 inches x 3 1/4 inches high.

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 in
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