Eric Otter Bacon Passamaquoddy 3 inch Black Ash Acorn Basket


Eric Otter Bacon Passamaquoddy 3 inch Black Ash Acorn Basket

A beautifully woven acorn basket by Passamaquoddy artist Eric Bacon, aka Otter. The weaving is fine and precise, and the woven sweetgrass adds a nice decorative touch to the cover, resembling the top of an acorn.

3 inches diameter at its widest) x 2 3/4 inches high, not including stem. Basket lies on its side; the included leather ring will allow it to stand upright.

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Eric Otter Bacon Passamaquoddy 3 inch Black Ash Acorn Basket

A beautifully woven acorn basket by Passamaquoddy artist Eric Bacon, aka Otter. The weaving is fine and precise, and the woven sweetgrass adds a nice decorative touch to the cover, resembling the top of an acorn.

3 inches diameter at its widest) x 2 3/4 inches high, not including stem. Basket lies on its side; the included leather ring will allow it to stand upright.

Weight 1 lbs
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